'What they don’t teach girls about the birds and the bees is how easy it is to get stung'.
"What they don’t teach girls about the birds and the bees is how easy it is to get stung. Reading Kellcey will help solve the problem". ...

My Book Review > "The Red Queen", by Matt Ridley; one of the most impressive book I ever read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
One of the most impressive book I ever read (thanks to my dad!) !!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Why sex is humanity's best strategy for outwitting its...

My Book Review > "Miss Match", by Nicola Yaeger
Miss match depicts the emotional life and love story(ies) of a woman in her mid 30s who has loving relationships with married men. The...

“Falling in Love is not a crime , quite the contrary “, Kellcey, Page: 306.
“Falling in Love is not a crime , quite the contrary “, Kacey Kells Page: 306. I love the whole page on this this, Kacey. Uma ...

Hypatia: a brilliant woman who was brutally murdered because she was a Woman and a Scientist
Hypatia (360-415 AD) was a prominent Helenistic philosopher, astronomer and mathematician. She was, in her time, the world's leading...