How to help domestic violence victims during the coronavirus pandemic - Mashable
BY ANNA IOVINEAPR 14, 2020 "They're, as what I like to say, walking on eggshells," said Rhonda Voss, a survivor of domestic violence. She...

In March, half of visitors to the National Sexual Assault hotline were minors - Mashable
BY RACHEL THOMPSONAPR 17, 2020 In March, half of visitors to the National Sexual Assault Hotline were minors. This grim statistic is a...

"They say that some books will take your breath away. This one literally does." John S.
"KELLCEY is a story everyone should read. It is especially timely in today’s 'Me Too' era; this narrative about the effects of a brutal...

My first interview / Fashion : “Kacey’s Fashion Choices”

Answers to Gabriel Kikas (for his fashion blog)
(You can read this interview here: https://aleyacollections.com/blogs/news/kaceys-fashion-choices) 1) About myself? I was born in...

COVID-19 and violence against women (WHO)
COVID-19 and violence against women What the health sector/system can do 26 March 2020 World Health Organisation Violence against...