Why Sexual Violence And Rape Culture Will Only End If We Get Boys On Board With Feminism?
When photos of Jada, the 16-year-old American girl allegedly raped at a house party, went viral and sparked the hashtag #JadaPose,...

KELLCEY by Kacey Kells - #SexualAssault #MeToo #Feminism #PTSD #Love #Canada #BritishColumbia #UK #L
USA: https://www.amazon.com/Kellcey-Kacey-Kells/dp/1848978952/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1509466940&sr=8-1&keywords=kellcey UK:...

Emma Watson to United Nations: I'm a feminist (22 sept 2014)... A beautiful speech
UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson gives a speech at an event focusing on gender inequality CNN Published on 22 Sep 2014

"Kellcey: A Powerful And Compelling Debut By Author Kacey Kells" #MeToo -- 'Kellcey
"Overwhelmingly candid and powerfully thought provoking, Kellcey brings a difficult and sensitive subject out of the darkness and into...

How boys and girls are taught different things about violence
The Converstion, 12 21 2017