My Book Review > "Woman: An Intimate Geography", by Natalie Angier - Update FIVE STAR * * * * *
Probably one of the best and most interesting contribution to the knowledge and understanding of women's body and psyche. I personally...

My Book Review > "BROKEN" , by Ivy Logan
I just finished reading BROKEN and I'm in awe!! So brilliant, fascinating, and well written! Ivy Logan’s book is magical not only because...

You can rea the whole analysis on: "Research: Women's Safety Around the World" https://www.safetydetectives.com/blog/womens-safety-resear...

Research: Women's Safety Around the World
To read the whole document click here: https://www.safetydetectives.com/blog/womens-safety-research/ I would like to thank Olivia Taylor...

"Truly splendid work!" Glen Hepker
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Kacey Kells’ written description of the hellish event put me in the same room with her, and I was aghast and saddened for...

UNWomen: Op-ed: What does the military offensive in Ukraine mean for women and girls?
Originally published on UN Women's Regional website for Europe and Central Asia By Alia El-Yassir, UN Women Regional Director for Europe...

KELLCEY, by Kacey Kells 💔
"A powerful coming-of-age novel with a feminist theme evoking a strong reaction from the reader. It critically examines the...

BUY W. SALVAGE's BOOK: ThePanther! The author is Fighting #Cancer & NEEDS YOUR HELP!
W. Salvage ( @ThePanther10SS ) is an author in NY, NY, who has stage 4 Cancer, all he needs is help by purchasing a copy of his book...

KELLCEY: "A wonderful heart-wrenching memoir that hold your attention till the end". AllAuthor
Kellcey is available worldwide on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/Kellcey-Kacey-Kells-ebook/dp/B084WRR7FK

My latest Interview : https://timetofeedmyreads.blogspot.com/2021/11/kacey-kells-interview.html
KELLCEY IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE ON AMAZON AT : https://www.amazon.com/Kellcey-Kacey-Kells/dp/B0858TVDRY/