This story needed to be told: there are too many women out there who need to know they are not alone
"This story needed to be told because there are far too many women out there who need to know they are not alone". @M_Cobbett71

”The Path To Recovery Wasn’t Easy”: An Interview With Author Kacey Kells by Clara Martin
”The Path To Recovery Wasn’t Easy”: An Interview With Author Kacey Kells by Clara Martin https://www.hypefresh.co/the-path-to-recovery-wa...

The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents Kacey Kells and her book “Kellcey.” by Richard Nicolas
The Wordicle’s Author’s Leak presents Kacey Kells and her book “Kellcey.” "I wasn’t sure whether I deserved to live or not. All I wanted...

Comments: "Kellcey: A wonderful book by a wonderful human being...xoxo"
"A wonderful book by a wonderful human being...xoxo" Glenna Gill @GlennaKGill https://twitter.com/GlennaKGill/status/1305217715699961858

Comments: "Kellcey, an authentic experience, authentically written ♡"
"Authentic experience & authentically written ♡" Sandra Paul @foxtongirl https://twitter.com/foxtongirl/status/1332283098013208579

My Book Review > "What the Gods allow", by J.S. Frankel
"What the Gods allow" is beautiful romance which merges Greek mythology with Modern society! It's an original and moving story that I...

"A must read for all women".
Ronny Herman de Jong @RonnyHermandeJo https://twitter.com/RonnyHermandeJo/status/1329746063675301889

"The perfect book for the #MeToo generation".
CarolynHowardJohnson @FrugalBookPromo https://twitter.com/FrugalBookPromo/status/1330399936542892038
"If you haven't read Kacey's book yet I highly recommend it!"
M_Cobbett_Writer @M_Cobbett71 https://twitter.com/M_Cobbett71/status/1330617702692556802

"I was so moved by Kacey Kells & her book Kellcey".
I was so moved by @KaceyKells & her book Kellcey. Courageous & eye opening, everyone should read this! J.G. MacLeod @jgmacleodauthor...