My Book Review > Fantatic Beasts & where to Find Them (the original screenplay), JK Rowling

‘Fantastic Beasts & where to find them’ is a fabulous addition to Harry Potter’s world; it’s a powerful and truly bewitching story, filled with rich and fascinating characters.
Witchcraft is ubiquitous, the threat is real, tangible, but the atmosphere isn’t as dark as it is sometimes with Harry Potter; and the ambience of the 1920’s gives an exotic mood to the story.
However, it’s a screenplay, made of very short ‘scenes’ with lots of different characters and fantastic animals; hence, you can’t read it like a traditional novel: it’s sometimes hard to ‘follow’ (read), but it’s also what makes the book captivating and enthralling, because there is abundance of details since each of the scenes has their narration by the writer which helps use our imagination to play the scenes inside our head.
Last but not least, the design of this book is awesome and makes it look like a very precious old book!
I only regret that, at the very end of the story, Newt doesn’t expressly ask for Tina’s hand… Anyway, ‘Fantastic Beasts’ is a fantastic book!