My Book Review > "The Best Thing that Never Happened to Me", by Laura Tait and Jimmy Ri

Written by two authors, this book gives two different perspectives of a same (love) story; it's like the two sides of a same coin. We follow Alex and Holly, jumping through time (a literary device that allows the reader to better see the connections between the past and the present, so that we can easily understand their respective expectations and fears!). Through their school days, Alex and Holly were best friends (first loves), but they went their separate ways. Holly came to London and ended up not travelling the world as she had planned but settled into a PA job and fell in love with her boss. Ten years later, it's Alex's turn to settle in London; but when they meet up again, they hedge round each other like strangers. Follows a series of misunderstandings and unspoken truths between them. Can they ever get back to where they were or are they now just too different? in other word: is love eternal? (Yes! It is!!!).