My Book Review "The Magic of Reality", by Richard Dawkins

« We should always be open-minded, but the only good reason to believe that something exists is if there is a real evidence that it does ».
Richard Dawkins’ aim is to promote rationalism, the scientific method (i.e. proposing a model and then testing it), rejecting myths and the supernatural. Hence, he addresses key issues such as: the evolution of species and natural selection, organic chemistry and Carbon based life, atoms (“what things are made of”), rainbows and the dispersion of light, the nature (and evolution) of stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe…
But don’t be afraid to read this book! In spite of the great complexity of these issues, it is EASY to read.
Frankly, I read Richard Dawkins’ “Magic of Reality” with pleasure; is it because I’m the daughter of a physicist? I do not know… but I recommend it strongly.