My Book Review > 'The Picture of Dorian Gray', by Oscar Wilde

Much has been said about Oscar Wilde's philosophical novel: 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'... Yet, I was very surprised: this book is not what I expected it to be. Is it because we live on a different planet? Is it because the society and moral codes has changed dramatically? I don't know. It is surprising that this book offended the moral sensibilities of Book reviewers in the late XIXth! Yes, it's a dark fiction... But, compared with contemporary fictions... there's nothing really shockingn nothing toxic. It has it's occasional 'longueurs', however. Because of its static characters and its lenghty and over-detailed descriptions this book, though not uninteresting, is sometimes a little boring. Ayways, the question remains: is Dorian Gray a SINNER... or a VICTIM? It is the critical issue... and what makes 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' (in spite of the above critics) a must-read. It is indeed probably why it was seen as a controversial book.