My Book Review > 'The Lost Symbol", by Dan Brown

I really enjoyed Dan Brown's last book: 'Origin'; but 'the Lost Symbol' isn't like his other books.
If the storyline is very similar (same structure, plot, and theme), there is a lot of blood and gore!
Furthermore, there are several major inconsistencies (ex: the same night, right after having been severely physically and psychologically tortured, his right hand having been amputated,... and after losing his son, Robert Langdon's friend -Peter Solomon- chats quietly in his office and then guides Robert to the pinnacle of the Washington Monument before descending the 896 steps spiraling within the obelisk...).
Worse still: the 'metaphysical' conclusion ('God is found in the collection of Many rather than the One'... 'E Pluribus Unum': out of many, One), if it is ethically acceptable sounds (in my opinion) pretentious and inappropriate. For, after all, this book is supposed to be a novel, nothing more.