A new review of 'Kellcey' (from Norway!): https://cheapchip.no/a-book-you-dont-forget/

I am normally a very fast reader, but when I read this story my thoughts constantly wandered to my own childhood and youth, to my son and to two little girls and a boy that I was the stepfather for in nearly a decade. Slowly, without noticing, I became a part of the book myself …
Kacey Kells’s «Warning to the reader», an unique way of expressing herself, is the start of the really ugly and mean part of the book! This part is not an unusual story; I have friends who have had the same experiences, so it came totally as a chock to me when I became filled with rage and anger! So angry that I couldn’t read more for a long time … A lot of thoughts, and they were not pleasant, flew through my brain. In many ways Kacey Kells makes her story to everyone’s story.