My Book Review > 'The Glass Mask: Monsters Lurk Beneath' by E.L. DuBois

Reality surpasses fiction, and no fiction story will ever match the absolute horror that, sometimes, darkens real life. And of course, those who suffer excessive abuse are usually the most vulnerable members of our society: women and girls. Indeed, the patriarchal system still tends to see gender abuse as normal practice; that is why it is essential to chronicle and denounce crimes against women and children. I know firsthand that it’s not easy for victims of sexual assault or domestic violence to talk about their experience as victims, but... it’s the only way forward! In this regard, ‘The Glass Mask’ is very instructive. Oh, I’m not going to lie and pretend it’s an easy book to read, because Beauty’s (Erica Dubois’) experiences with domestic violence as told in this book are horrible, unbelievable, disruptive and simply inhuman. However, I strongly think that ‘The Glass Mask’ is a must read. Everybody should know that terror and horror exist in our society; it’s not fiction but real life! Everybody should know that such tragedies are happening, not only in countries half a world away but here, in the neighborhood. I therefore highly recommend this book.