5 Stars! This story not only bears witness to what countless other women have gone through, but als

I just finished reading Kellcey, by Kacey Kells. This book is an important contribution to the MeToo movement and should be required reading for every high school senior or college freshman. Kells describes an idyllic childhood transformed by tragedy that affects each family member in profound ways. Filled with loneliness and often isolated, Kellcey turns to a relationship with an older boy of whom her mother approves. Unfortunately, Ben’s friend, John, makes crude remarks around Kellcey and Ben has to step in to prevent him from acting on his unwanted advances. This early glimpse into a culture that objectifies women at extremely young ages and teaches boys that this form of toxic masculinity is normal, is difficult to read emotionally as it is so relatable to many women. I could also relate to much of the landscape in this book, as I have visited the locations where Kellcey lives and travels. Tofino, with its magnificent trees and parks, brought back many fond memories for me, yet set against this backdrop of natural beauty is an escalation of misogyny that will make readers feel incensed once again. Alcohol is often used as an excuse for the mistreatment of women, including name-calling and sexual assault. Unfortunately, none of these events are unrealistic for our everyday interactions. They are all too common and Kells does an excellent job of detailing them using imagery that makes the reader recoil with disgust.
Without inserting too many plot spoilers, Kellcey not only bears witness to what countless other women have gone through, but also offers a message of hope. Kells is clear when she characterizes Kellcey as a resilient young woman who is brave enough to speak her truth, face it, and work to heal. I applaud the author for her courage to write such an honest story and look forward to reading her future publications. A definite 5-stars from me!