My Book Review > 'The guy from another league', by Kristina Gallo.

“The guy from another league”, by Kristina Gallo.
The story takes place in Central Europe. Renata, a Psychology student, felt for Davor, a thug who is neither handsome nor cultured. But he’s a womanizer and… Renata couldn’t help: she felt sexually attracted to him. She sacrificed willingly her dignity and pride; but what did she get in return? Nothing but frustration and shame! They obviously weren’t made for each other; they belonged to two different and opposite worlds and were emotionally and intellectually incompatible.
It’s crystal clear: Davor was definitely a creep… but Renata is also to blame! She was naïve, yes indeed, waiting for something that would never happen; but she was the victim of her own obsession! However, she took her revenge in a rather cruel way, hence proving that she is not really a decent woman anyway. Well, this is my understanding; but I am fully aware that others might have a different picture of what has transpired. In this, this story is interesting as it might give rise to varying interpretations.
I personally enjoyed reading this short novel and I recommend it, even if it needs further editing.