My Book Review > Indie writers are astounding! "Abbigail Wilson and the masked bandit&quo
I just finished to read Jeff C Fuller's "Abbigail Wilson and the masked bandit", a fantasy book (the first of a series) about kids who have to discover the truth about a crime committed in their own school. I won't tell the story here, because the book isn't yet published, but I would like to say something about it: if it is written as a children's fiction, it is to me much more than that. And it's not just because of the tightly plotted storyline! I was impressed with Abbigail's character, the daughter of a loving dad who's dream is to become a detective like her dad. What I liked the most with this character is that, despite her young age, she is determined, dynamic, and caring. I mean, if most children's book depict children as insignificant people, Abbigail is a real person with strengths and weaknesses... Actually, she's a lovely person... To be a child is just a status, like gender, race or origins... it doesn't mean that you/children is/are little. And Abbiggail isn't!
She's a modern girl/woman who refuses to succumb to seemingly insurmountable hurdles...
Thank you Jeff C