My Book Review > "Good Girl Gone Plaid" by Shelli Stevens

I really enjoyed reading ‘Good Girl Gone Plaid’ by Shelli Stevens! Actually, I’ve been waiting a long time before getting into this book, because I feared It wouldn’t be my kind of book: too erotic or something (not that I’m prude, but..). But I was wrong! ‘Good Girl Gone Plaid’ is a beautifully written romance, a romantic love story with many twists and turns.
When Sarah goes back to her island in the Pacific Northwest (for the first time after eleven years!) she fears to meet Ian, who was her boyfriend when they both were teenagers. However, mutual attraction, pure and real love seem to be eternal and Sarah will hardly be capable to keep Ian away from her... Was it part of a Machiavellian scheme conceived by her beloved grandmother before she died?
In any case Ian betrayed her, didn’t he? He was and will always be a bad seed, isn’t it true?
But, is it possible that Sarah was too judgmental and misunderstood what really happened, who Ian really is? Hmm… Won't tell you more! You need to read the book!! :)