My Book Review > "Women and Power", by Mary Beard ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Women and Power, an intricate issue.
A FABULOUS book that I highly recommend!
Silencing women is and has always been a key element of patriarchy! For long, girls and women were not given the same education to make sure that females would remain ignorant, would not know, would not be capable... Men created the "weaker" sex to keep control and strengthen their appropriations. And this is still true today!
It is indeed harder for a woman to speak publicly, to be heard... and when she tries, she's often snubbed and mocked, or worse!
Power as it is was made by and for men! What should we do then? If we agree that we shouldn't try to change who and what women intrinsically are, the only solution is to change the notion (and our vision of) power!