My Book Review > "Pandora's Jar", by Natalie Haynes
“Pandora’s Jar” is a much needed and beautiful book which tries to restore the role and image of women in ancient Greek mythology. “Some...

Women’s Guide to Cyber Safety 2023
https://www.wizcase.com/blog/comprehensive-online-security-guide-for-women/ https://www.wizcase.com/blog/comprehensive-online-security-gu...

Books Women were waiting for: • "KELLCEY": A memoir, and a call to all women: amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0858TVDRY ... and ... • "(His)Story of...

Kacey, you have done so much to remove these shackles...
Kacey, "you have done so much to remove these shackles with your courageous no holds barred books and should be saluted as such -- much...

Happy #WomensDay♀️ #MeToo #womenempowement #stopviolenceagainstwomen • "KELLCEY": amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0858T… ... and ... • "(His)Story...

My Book Review > "Troubled Sleep", by Jean-Paul Sartre
Honestly... It's a horrible story. Nothing really happens: defeated and humiliated soldiers are trapped, abandoned, waiting to become...

"Kellcey is a bullet directed at the heart of sexual predators"
" @KaceyKells Thank you for writing this book and telling your story. You handled the brutal subject with great poise while maintaining...

My Book Review > Metamorphosis, by Ivy Logan
“Metamorphosis: the girl with no face” is a complex and suspenseful story full of twists and turns happening in a world fluctuating...